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What could be more American than the middle-class dream? A well-kept home, settled bills, children in decent colleges, and everyone optimistic about the future. Regrettably, for the vast majority of African American people, this goal has long been seemingly impossible in which no level of maximum work or meticulous planning could bring the alluring fruit within reach.

Everyone, excluding the affluent, may soon have a taste of this experience.

One of the most famous shows years back, “The Cosby Show,” showed Black family life with the wealthy, upper-middle-class Huxtables, where the doctor-father and lawyer-mom ruled over children predestined to follow in their parents’ footsteps. The show’s supporters said it represented a new world in which entrenched prejudice and ethnic inequity had fallen into the hands of segregated institutions. Children may be able to gain from their family’s riches. In the new Promise Land, everybody had a chance to be successful.

But, regarding to economist Darrick Hamilton’s expression, it was not the case in the nation at the moment, and it is not the case now. As explained by him, African Americans would always represent the “basic survival race” with persistent monetary despair even in the late twentieth century. “There isn’t an Afro-American middle level if it’s defined by fortune,” he states “because African Americans, overall, are poor and underserved.”

The reason is that, since racism’s abolition, every step forward for African American people has been confronted with people in positions of authority devising fresh ways to hold them back. This harmful dynamic has occurred in each and every period, magnified in each catastrophe when those who have attempted to crack into the wealthy are pummeled. With Covid-19, African American people and other underserved groups are pressured to choose between falling farther down the economic growth ladder or striving all day and ending up in a coffin.

According to history, the percentage of African-Americans who made it to the top of the corporate hierarchy was statistically insignificant. They were largely trapped in laborious, low-paying tasks that whites wouldn’t take because of discrimination and prejudice, which barred access to quality education, attractive property, and quality work. Only a few were successful in owning companies that benefited African American communities, such as cremation parlors or beauty parlors, or were fortunate enough to obtain work at the postal service. The Great Migration drove African American Southerners to Northern cities in search of better opportunities in urban sectors, but they were often met with a variety of forms of prejudice, such as rising bills than whites, mortgage denials when they wanted to own a property, and poor schooling.

However, to end the nightmare, Black parents are expected to protect and guide their children from being trapped by racial effects. The african american civil rights movement And in what way will that be achieved by the parents? The african american civil rights movement The professional Author had pledged to help with that by producing so many important and helpful books for Black parents and their children.

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